“stable corporate job” LOL
Really, it’s on us that we ever swallowed that stuff about work “being a family”.
In reality, we were always in the guillotine; an item in the bottom line that would be cut at a moment’s notice to preserve stakeholder value (not always YOUR stakeholder value, though).
Can I be super straight with you about something?
I want you to chew on this:
As highly competent femmes (ahem, any oldest daughters in the house?) who had always been forced to take all responsibility for everything—from KPIs to emotional labor to non-promotable tasks…
We LEAPT DESPERATELY at the idea that “someone else” (ie, the concept of a corporation) could finally take care of us, didn’t we.
Even though it was a lie. We put the blinders on, and pretended that steady paycheck meant that we were finally safe—held and nurtured by a high-status institution that represented the promise that had been made to us about keeping our heads down and working hard.
We felt relief, and convinced ourselves it was love. It wasn’t.
I am here for you when you’re ready to grieve it fully.
I’m here when you’re ready to come back to the hard truth that it was always you that would have your own back.
Yes, you. The You that has so many imperfections, reprehensible shortcomings, and knowledge gaps.
I’m here to remind you that this is also the You that has a connection to Source, endless adaptability, and absolutely wild levels of creativity. The You that has never NOT figured something out.
Because this is the You that is actually empowered by the fact that you are the best bet in town.
You are a fucking slam dunk.
No one has ever done it the way you can—a curse that was always meant to be a blessing.
I am asking you for the opportunity to do some deep work together: turning towards the part of you that is exhausted and wants to be rescued by the prince on the white horse, who just wants to feel safe and taken care of by someone else, just for once.
We will give her what she needs so that she can take a step back.
She’ll finally accept help from the part of you that is wildly industrious, unstoppably generative, and full of ideas.
I’m just the conduit. Your fellow femmes in the program—on the same journey as you—are just your mirror, reflecting back what’s possible when it comes to monetizing your creativity and natural gifts.
It’s You that gets to step into this phase.
It was always going to be you.
If you’ve heard enough, grab 30 minutes for me and we’ll make sure I’m the right person to help you monetize your current skills and creative gifts—on your own terms.