what makes revenue predictable?

Alright, time for a quick business school lesson, authored from my bed with my dog in my lap:

Revenue is what’s called a LAGGING INDICATOR. That means it indicates success pretty late in the game. 

In other words, if that’s all you’re measuring, you won’t know whether your product and marketing strategy succeeded until it’s too late: bills are due, and your business hasn’t made any money. 

Highly unpredictable. You could have “zero revenue” any time, with no warning. 

So to increase the predictability of revenue, we simply introduce other metrics that can be measured MUCH earlier—also known as LEADING indicators. 

Our leading indicators are determined by what activities we designed into your visibility funnel. 

Your leading indicators will be different than mine, because your visibility funnel is different than mine. 

But the leading indicators will function to create similar results: predictable revenue. 

These are my real-life Visibility Funnel Tactics:

1. Shoot my mouth off on LinkedIn, practicing my artistic craft (writing)
2. Organize summits for influencers to build my audience, practicing my artistic craft (holding space and community building)
3. Host live workshops teaching something I’m dying to share that I recently mastered, and get all that attention, practicing my artistic craft (teaching/performing)
4. Shoot my mouth off even MORE in newsletters, practicing my artistic craft (writing)
5. Invite you to work with me every time, and taking your call practicing my artistic craft (guiding, healing, holding space, community-building)
6. Register you in the right program for you.. 

Notice that every step, for me, is simply creating art–which gets arranged into a great strategy.

So, pop quiz: based on my funnel, what leading indicators should I measure?

If you said “number of LI posts per week,” “number of live workshops per month,” “newsletter subscriber count,” and “newsletters sent with invitation to work with me,” you nailed it.

You control your revenue by tracking your visibility metrics. That’s it. That’s the whole secret. 

Show up in your spaces less, revenue will drop. Show up consistently,, and the sky is the limit on your revenue increasing. 

Track this shit to keep yourself honest about why revenue dropped one month and did great another month, and you will have solved your predictability problem. 


The idea that artists can’t make bank for their natural gifts–in other words, replacing your corporate salary while achieving utter time freedom and creative fulfillment–is outdated bullshit. 

Book your call with me. Shake up your old ways of thinking. Break free. 


Becca Camp